Monday, August 12, 2013

August 11, 2013 "Full of It"

    In today's world the phrase "full of it", may come to our ears as a derogatory term. Such as, "he/ she is full of it", meaning he or she is full of non-sense. According to Pastor Steve, if Jesus were to be called full of it, He would have taken it so as a compliment. You know what? That is exactly what Pastor Steve did this Sunday morning. 
    Let me clarify before you slam your computer shut and boycott Discovery Church because Pastor Steve never called the things Jesus was full of, as non-sense. In fact, he went the opposite direction and spoke of Jesus being full of 100% Truth and 100% Grace. That doesn't sound like non-sense to me. Back in the time of Jesus there were many "holy" men walking around with their heads held high because they were either filled with the knowledge of truth or the slight humbleness of grace. Stay with me here, because I know what you are thinking is, why these things seem so bad when we are all striving to better ourselves just as such. Pastor Steve showed us that with out the knowledge of truth what is grace? Grace is but a false appearance of purity and innocence. But without grace what is truth? Truth is a hard, forced honesty that tends to belittle our brothers and sister and frighten them of God. John 8:7

    Jesus was a 100% both of these things making Him balanced and the true Son of God. Matthew 6 details the scene of Jesus among the Pharisees and a woman who has committed adultery suddenly dragged into the room. The men among Jesus tested Him to obey the law of Moses and stone her to death for committing such a crime. In response, Jesus said "Let anyone of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone-". Little by little the men left just leaving the woman and Jesus alone. This my dear friends, is a 100% Truth and 100% Grace. Jesus agreed this woman had committed a terrible sin but whom in that room that had not committed any sin could pick of a boulder and throw it at her if so be.
    Jesus stayed balanced even when being judged and turned away among all the sinners around Him. The sinners telling Him, He was wrong and a false prophet. He stayed true and kept teaching and softening their hearts to show them His truth and grace. So as we walk our path and embark on the wonderful journey God has planned for us, remember to stay balanced with the knowledge of truth and staying humble with grace. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

July 28th, 2013 "Events Calendar"

    Well, with the past couple weeks being so event-filled, I thought it was time to give some credit to our leaders here at Discovery Church. Pastor Steve and his love for the wilderness came up with the idea for an outdoor adventure to Lockett Meadows in Flagstaff, AZ. 

    Leaving for Lockett Meadows midday Friday, I was unsure where we were even going but just followed the obscure directions given by our beloved Pastor. A few hours later and 20 minute drive up a slender, cliff side path we arrived in open paradise called Lockett Meadows. Sing it Dixie Chicks with "Wide Open Spaces" and beautiful hiking paths that lead into the heart of San Francisco Peaks. This incredible area is definitely a hidden gem and created a bonding experience for all of us. 
    Now, reader, try to keep up because this tour is moving quickly. Onto our next event which was our Night of Worship Under the Stars performed by our own Worship Pastor Jason Dyer and his team, Matt and Maureen Simpson. I am not sure about anyone else but this night opened my heart to see that Discovery Church has built a community
    With our church occupying a small ramada out at Watson Lake, people flocked from all around with yummy potluck dishes and games of all kinds to the park. The kids were running around in the green grass as the adults gathered to socialize around the music. I walked to the top ramada to overlook the lake and the park to see this amazing community come together and rejoice in God's love. This is the picture I came up with. We are a family. How amazing is that? 
    Now, I know my events are out of order but I believe in saving the best for last. I believe the best is Pastor Steve's balloon fight against the Discovery Kids. Let's just say Steve definitely didn't know what he was getting in to. Kate Pressman, was telling me in Kid's Church that day, the kid's didn't even focus on the lesson but were listening to "Eye of the Tiger" as they applied war paint and built paper plate shields. She knew Steve was in over his head when they began calling her Chief and Captain and asked her to lead them into battle. She accepted the task and devised a plan to split the army into 2 sectors of sneak attacks. As Pastor Steve walked out into the court yard with a smile on his face he left with an ear full of water. Balloons hailed from all around as tribal chants and war cries hollered from the bushes. Finally, the battle was over and the warriors came to pray over Pastors wounds and bewildered pride. 
The battle may be over, but the war continues on...

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

July 16th, 2013 "Tracie Sewell"

    Thank you Tracie for this motivating post. I couldn't have said it better myself. In the words of Pastor Steve ... "BOOM".

Hi Everyone! I'm going to step on my stool for a moment (so you can see me ha ha) and tell you a little bit about me...I have my reasons...stay tuned.
When I was growing up I attended "church" every Sunday with my family. It was a fantastic "church" where we had old fashioned hymn sings, potlucks, vacation Bible School, lots of gatherings that were just plain fun times with lots of memory building.
Then, as I grew into an adult I fell into "churches" that were not satisfying to me. They had too much "drama" between congregation members, too much "dictated" expectations from the preacher, and simply did not have the feeling that I had experienced and desired from my childhood.
It has taken 39 years, yes thirthy-nine years to find a "church" that is bringing back my childhood "church" memories. It is a young church; only a few months old. It is a small congregation that is building upon values and core beliefs that I can definitely support. It is a place that I want to be. It has a congregation that I want to get to know. It has a pastor that I totally and completely enjoy listening to his messages, his relation to life in general, his "realness". He does not place himself "above" me (as others have before him in my experiences), but rather puts himself beside me. He relates to what we as the human race go through on a day-to-day basis...and I love it!
I must explain why I put "church" in quotes. You see to me, the word "church" carries negative conotations with it because of my adult experiences. I don't really care for the word. I refer to it as "discovery". Not because that happens to be the name of the "church" that I am currently attending after 19 years of not attending any place of worship; but because that is the process in which I am personally going through. I am "discovering" who I am; what I want; where my place is in life; and who I want to be. I can do all of this at Discovery "Church", because they allow me to be who I am. I'm not pressured to be someone that I am not. I am respected as me. I am supported as me.
I think about this when I'm out riding. You see I believe, as does Discovery "Church", that God is everywhere. He doesn't sit in the "church" waiting for you to show up. Nope! He's everywhere that you are.
So, you may be asking yourself: Then, why should I attend a "church"? Good question! The only way that I can answer this is from my personal experience, not a "textbook" answer that a lot of "churches" would have you answer. My answer is: Because I can make more friends there. I can surround myself with good people. I can have more positive influences in my life that help me be a better person. You see, I choose to surround myself with the best of the best, so that I can be my best. And I have found this at Discovery.
I have rambled on and on and on....but it is something that I have wanted to share with my FB family. Just one more thing before I close.
I would like to invite you to watch the video below, perhaps visit Discovery's website: and / or the facebook page:
And, I would like you to join us some Sunday. We would love to have you. If you're feeling a little timid of showing up at a new place, I'll meet you outside and you can sit with me. Whatever will you help you check us out, because you never know, this might be what you've been looking for.
Discovery is located on the Prescott College campus...I know, a little weird, but a great fit! Come check it out!
Thanks for reading, and have a great day! If you have questions, feel free to message me! 
Invite Someone
Vimeo is the home for high-quality videos and the people who love them

Monday, July 8, 2013

July 7th, 2013 "Community"

    July 7th was by far the most moving service I have yet to experience in Discovery Church. Not only was the story of our guest speaker, Kent Keegan, but Arizona had just experienced an unexpected tragedy. Our small town of Preskitt tragically lost 19 of our 20 Hot Shot Firefighters to the Yarnell Hill Wildfire. They were all part of our small town family and reached each of hearts in some way or another. I am not going to go on about these brave men in great detail, for I only knew a few of them but I am actually interested in telling my own story of what I have been experiencing these past couple of weeks by just observing.
    This town, my hometown, has made me so proud to be part of it's community. Everywhere I turn there is some recognition of the fallen 19 and a large 'thank you' near by. This community has come together to support the families and friends of our heroes and to pay respects by grieving with them. Our hearts are in pain in yet show strength in numbers to lean on one another. I have seen this by watching one of my own coworkers walk out to the street in the middle of the shift to pay her respects as the firetrucks filed through on Montezuma. This triggered a solemn response from each person in the cafe as we all took to the curb and stood along side her. Strangers comforting one another as overwhelming tears flowed from our eyes and our heads bowed. 
    This town, my hometown, has made me so proud to be called a Preskit-tonian. Even as the funeral procession came through Phoenix, Wickendburg, and worked it's way to Highway 89, I glanced at all the cars lining the streets to welcome our brethren home. There were over 200 Hells Angels and other biker chapters to pay respects. This town and community has drowned my heart with joy and hope that we have a future as a family. That no matter what trials this place is faced with, we will always stay connected and stand tall to help any of those who can't. 
    So I thank you Prescott for being the future. For showing this world we are to not be pushed around for we will triumph. The family will always hold together and lean on one another for support and love. I know this town is facing hard ships but we are there for the families who need it most. We love you and pray for each one of you. God bless.


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

June 30th, 2013 "Wind"

    People will always to live by faith and follow God's direction. What does that really mean? And how do we do this? Pastor Steve introduced one of Discovery's elements', wind. In the churches sense, wind represents God's spirit. Just like wind, God's spirit is unpredictable, unseen, but always felt around you. 
    Many people around us, including ourselves, have a hard time feeling God's presence or comprehending the direction He wants us to go. But still it is unmistakable that He is with us and guiding us. This blinded guidance if faith. It's our reassurance that He is watching us and protecting us even if we don't see Him. This then loops around to you follow? To put into smaller terms, faith is following God without knowledge or logic but believing God would never put you in harms way but guide you on the path you were meant to be on. How we know we doing God's will, is by His wind. We feel His wind all around us everyday. His wind, or The Spirit, is unstoppable no matter the obstacles or situations you find yourself in. 
    So this is what you have to do to feel God's wind. Set your sails to His spirit and let God take them and direct you. Go where He wants you to go for His spirit is supernatural. He doesn't show Himself to harm or mislead. He is purely here to comfort, council and direct you in your life. So let go of your sails as the storm rages on and let God's wind fill them to lead you. 

Monday, June 17, 2013

June 17th, 2013 "Cristina"

    Well, in attempt of designing a compilation video of testimonies, I have yet to receive anything from anyone. So I have decided to finally give my testimony as to possibly lead by example. I'll try not to make it a lengthy story but here goes nothing.
    In February 2009, I met a boy in my small town high school and decided to make future plans of taking on the world together after we had graduated. As a few months passed my behavior became chaotic and rebellious to my parents and family members. I was heavily involved in drugs, large parties, and alcohol. This all progressing for the next few months until I turned 18 the day before I graduated in May and devised a plan to run away graduation night. All my planning went through and I so boldly, abandoned my family by telling them I was leaving to a graduation party and did not return till a year later.
    Not knowing what my future held for me, I blindly followed in my lawless ways to end up in numerous states (from California to Indiana) as a well off drug dealer and sex trafficker. As my boyfriend went off to scour the streets for lonely women to make him money, I furthered my knowledge and connections in cocaine and side jobs of marijuana dealing. By this time the months had changed into August and I was residing as a cashier in The Grand Canyon. 
    With my guilt finally catching up with me, my heart yearned to be with my family and my loved ones that I left behind. I worked up the courage to call my parents and tell them of my journey and my whereabouts. My mom rushed to the canyon to see me and brought a letter with her. She tried to convince me to come home but it was no use with the hold of my boyfriend and my own selfishness. She then left, giving me a heart-wrenching hug and a kiss on my cheek that still exists today. After that moment, I began to catch glimpses of myself in windows and mirrors at how my physical body was beginning to wither and shut down. The images I came across showed the bruises and scars of the abuse my boyfriend would release upon me nightly and the internal suffering I was facing each dragging day. 
    Not long after my mother's visit, my boyfriend and I packed our things and headed to Albuquerque, New Mexico to expand his uncle's drug business. In the fall of 2009, I was quite well off, as some would say. I had plenty of money to go around. My connections were expanding into numerous states and would soon cross the southern border into Mexico and my boyfriend was thriving off of used and beaten women as profit. Until one night, the three of us were having a celebratory party in honor of our new found success across the many states. I was becoming upset on a regular basis, fighting the urge to be with my family, and that night it finally erupted in me. I ran outside of the house, crying and frantically trying to find good service with my phone. Of course my boyfriend chased after me and we began to argue and fight as he attempted to drag me inside the house. He finally gave up and took the keys to the car and drove away, leaving me in New Mexico. 
    Oddly I felt calm and began to dial the phone number to an old high school friend who happened to attend the University of New Mexico located in Albuquerque. I called her up asking her where I could find a bust stop and she asked me where I was. I told her the street name and she told me to walk 4 blocks West and look for address 242 Starlight. I did as she said and came across a girl waving her phone at me and calling my name. Jessica had only been a few blocks over from me the entire time.
    From that point on, her mother, being a rehabilitation nurse at UNM Psychiatric Center, agreed to enter me into the hospital until my mind and body had been detoxed from the damage I had done. After the aching 3 months had passed I came home to my family and most importantly came to God. I jumped on track to hold down a couple jobs and release myself of my past contacts.
    We all know the story of the Prodigal Son and as you have read, mine is the updated version of the Prodigal Daughter. When I felt I had complete control of my own life to reach the ends of the Earth, I didn't realize how fast my feet were sinking beneath the quick sand. God was watching me the entire time and keeping me under safe keeping. I have come to realize I needed to hit my rock bottom to come to God. To see His blessings and the path He had already chosen for me. So, this is my testimony. This is my past and God is my now and future. His eyes will never leave me nor will His love and mercy.
    Thank you all for reading this and sharing my new found love in Christ. 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

June 9th, 2013 "Almost Anything"

    Meet Me In St. Louis is correct for this entry considering we had our entire Discovery Church staff in St. Louis, Missouri to visit our neighborhood church, Journey. Every year Journey Church has a Beach Baptism BBQ to publicly celebrate the steps that are being taken to be reborn. This year the baptism totalled at 59 people, parents, children, and grandparents,to be dunked by the awaiting 6 pastors. It was an incredible sight to see these families gather upon the rocky shore line to then wade gently into the teal water into the arms of the beloved pastors. 

   Before this beautiful meeting, our own, Pastor Steve, took the stage at Journey Church to lead a sermon entitled "Almost Anything". This message really hit home for me because it spoke of the ways The Church will do almost anything to win souls in Jesus name. For instance, Discovery Church will fly out a young, Missourian man to Zion National Park for the first time, in hopes he will agree to becoming the churches worship pastor. The Church will then take this man mountain biking, for the first time, in the desert mountains of Arizona to result in a brutal face plant on the hot, solid ground, in hopes he will still agree to becoming the churches worship pastor. Yes, The Church will do almost anything to follow God's calling and pursue His missions goal.
    Times have changed since the first church therefore calling for new ways of reaching the hearts of the non-churched folk. We, as a church, must be able to try almost anything to follow God's work. To take those crazy hikes in mid winter up Granite Basin mountain and bond over the blizzard-ous weather conditions. We must come up with the ideas of Rootbeer Float Sundays after church or salsa bars for each one of us to fellowship and expand.
I know by being apart of Discovery Church, we will do almost anything, all you have to do is dare us.

Friday, May 31, 2013

May 31, 2013 "What is Your Story to Tell?"

    Some of you may know, May 26th 2013, I had the privilege of being baptized with Pastor Steve. At my baptism, Steve had asked me to possibly say a small testimony before I was emerged and instead I simply bypassed his request and gave thanks to everyone for being there and God for guiding me in this direction. Since then, Steve and Brenda have been asking questions about my past and even "put me on the spot", if you will, at our last night of worship. Pastor Steve stared at me as we all gathered around the stage with tears already filling his eyes and simply said "Cristina, I hate to pick on you, (doubtful), but I believe there is something building in you that is ready to explode and come out! God is working on you and something in you that is just going to erupt, man, just out there. Do you have anything to say or have any idea what it could be?". At this time I was already hyperventilating with joyous streams of water running down my cheeks and simply said, "Not just yet but I think so too."
    Now, we all know Pastor Steve loves celebrating in the light of God and in his way it's by putting that light on you. He has such a comforting way of directing the attention to you, you don't even realize all the eyes and ears in the room are focused on you. This wasn't the case that night. I walked away from the chapel in deep thought of how little any of my readers or the family I have created through God and the church, really knew about me. Specifically, my story that led me to God. This is the direction I am going with this entry. I will take my first big leap and write out my nitty gritty story that God has given to me as my testimony. 
    With that said, I am giving any of you fellow readers and children of Christ to write to me and tell me your own stories. Be my guest and write as little or as much as you want and I will be more than gracious to post it on our blog. If you would like to be discreet and kept as yours to tell, I will honor your wishes and thank you for letting me in to that part of your life. or

I hope to hear from some of you and wish you a great week. God bless!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

May 12th "Water Baptism"

    Mother's Day (May 12th) was an extraordinary time for all. Discovery Church met at Goldwater Lake to not just have service but to have our first Water Baptism. So, in a sense, it wasn't just a day in honor of mother's all around, but a rebirthing and cleansing to our Father. Josette along with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mora dedicated themselves to be baptized by Jason Dyer and Pastor Steve with all their friends and family gathered at the shore to cheer them on as they took the plunge. With smiles all around, watching each one carefully tred into the hands of the Pastors, the crowd roared with howls and cheers. One by one they were carefully dunked and lifted to the service to leave the old behind and become a saved child of God. 
    I don't have much more to say on this event because of how emotional I can become. I just want to give my congratulations to Josette and the Mora Family. I have only known you for a short amount of time and have fallen in love with you as a friend and family member. Also, coach to you Jerry. But I can't thank you enough for allowing myself to witness such a rebirthing experience. I love you all and wish you hope and grace on your path with Christ.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

April 28, 2013 "Demolition"

    To end our adventurous month of April, Discovery Church welcomed a guest speaker to lead the sermon, by the name of Matt Simpson. This was a real treat hearing Matt preach along with his beautiful wife, Maureen, sitting in the front row. What I took from Matt this past Sunday was the subject of greed and selfishness.
    Now greed comes in many forms, as Matt explained, such as saving or hoarding items, money, talents, information, etc. We keep things to our self that should be shared with the world and others or at the start, are not even worth saving to begin with. We focus so much time and strain on our jobs or try to conjure up these "get rich quick" schemes to try and make just a little bit more of that green stuff. Before you or I know it, our stress levels are high, the happiness and joy we use to live by, is forced out by the object of money and the things we can buy with it.
    I am not so sure about you, reader, but Matt gave me a wake up call to what we, as God's Children, are doing here on Earth. For one, this is not our home. Our time here is limited and therefore should be invested in saving souls and showing the heart of God. The material items we gather here will not determine who is accepted into Heaven nor is God lining us up with a clipboard in His hand and looking at how much we make each year. Money should not be an idol but serve as a tool to help us live our every day lives. Our money shouldn't be hoarded in junk but used to help one another each day or help our own souls by doing the things we love with our friends and family.
    I have seen my generation of young adults and I must say I am disappointed of the stress and worry that is put on us to "make money", when the concern back in the day, use to be education first then money will fall into play. The thought of "giving" has to have a legitimate reason, such as a natural disaster or an orphan child with no food or water instead of just the natural desire to care for someone other than ourselves. My favorite is the joke of giving a dollar to a homeless woman on the side of the road and asking for a tax credit receipt with it. This generation chooses to give with something in return. 
    I know this entry seems a bit dark or may cause some strong opinions but let me flip this around. I am not saying to throw your money around to the first person who walks up to you, but just give it a second thought. If someone is hungry, bring them a meal. Someone needs clothing, don't shame away from giving them the shirt off your back. Let's not let selfishness and greed consume our lives of walking in the shoes of Jesus. Follow his footsteps by giving and showing your caring heart, maybe to ones who can't or don't know how. Show them.

Monday, April 15, 2013

April 14, 2013 " Make the Moment"

    Pastor Steve has been preaching on a series called "Making the Moment". It is an idea spawned from the show Making the Moment, hosted by our very own Kurt Warner, to reach out into some one's life who has given up on their dreams and give them a second shot. In this specific series, Pastor, is trying to reach out into our own congregation and see what we can build together for our community to give back. Whether it be our own food pantry to hand out to the families in need. It may be to bring in the youngsters from having nothing to do on the weekends and take them out for nature hikes and explorations. Whatever your passion is, whatever your interests are, or where your heart is calling you to be, talk to us and let us know so we can build something to make the moment for that someone in need.

April 7, 2013 "What is in Your Brown Bag"

    I have a theory that Pastor Steve has conversations with God that tell him which subjects to preach on each Sunday because we will all have to put what we have learned from his sermon, to the test. Maybe he puts a paper and pencil out on his desk over night and comes back to it in the morning to see a message to preach on.
    Well, I admit the second assumption is a bit far fetched, but Jesus performed imaginable miracles, so who am I to say it couldn't happen? While I am on the subject of miracles, I would like to talk about the miracles God has given each one of us to perform in the form of specific gifts. These gifts probably aren't going to be wrapped with a bow on top but they may be specific talents, interests, or passions He has built into you so you are able to spread His love with them.
    This past Sunday, Pastor Steve really spoke to my heart and uplifted me by saying, that each one of us was built for a purpose and a specific way to fulfill our purpose. Some it may be singing or playing an instrument to lead worship. Some it is simply people -  being around people in our community and joining in projects to better our community. Or with Jesus Himself being a carpenter - some are blessed with tools and building what is said could never be built. These plus many more are God given gifts to spread His love and worship Him. And this past Sunday, Pastor Steve made each one of us take about five minutes to write down what talents or gifts God has spoken to us to do.
    The brown paper bag that was handed to me stayed blank for the first couple minutes until I was really able to pray about what an "average Joe" like myself, had as a gift to serve God. No really, that was the exact question that went through my brain, "I am nothing special God, what gift have you given for me to use?". No sooner had I thought it, my prayer was answered. I took my pen and began to write many gifts and passions that God specifically picked out for me to use. They were things I considered, maybe, hobbies or just some phases that I never grew out of but actually, grew to love and become an importance in my life.
    I have continued praying on these things on how I can be part of something greater than myself and still use my gifts to help others. So I am slowly filling my paper bag with gifts from here, interests there, or passions from every which angle.....but have you really thought or prayed about your gifts? Your talents that God created you with to share among others?

What is in your brown paper bag?

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

March 31, 2013 Easter Sunday "The Day of Resurrection"

    This past Sunday was Easter. An odd time for all considering, Easter just happened to land on the last day of March, so of course, that through off every person nation wide. Then another reason it may be an odd time for some - the purpose of celebrating Easter. Is it truly because of the 7 foot giant in the white bunny suit hiding the candy filled eggs around the backyard or is it the barbecues and  family gatherings we happen to enjoy? Neither. The true meaning of Easter was carefully explained to me, by Pastor Steve, this past Sunday as "The Day of Resurrection."
   Now I am not essentially going to go step by step and recite the Pastor's sermon, although flattered, I would do him  no justice nor was I taking notes that day. I blame Pastor for giving such a moving service and distracting me completely. Anyway, Sunday I left the crossroads with the word resurrection embedded in my head and decided to research this word as in depth as possible. Webster's Dictionary and say;

1. The act of rising from the dead    
2. The rising of Christ after His death and Burial
    God had sent His only son to live the life as one of us, then sacrificing himself with the ultimate punishment of hours upon hours of constant, agonizing torture and pain to be later nailed upon the cross. With Jesus struggling to hold His body weight and inhale His last breath, He relaxed to death and fell limp upon sundown. As many watched this tragic scene, He was then gently removed from His wooden throne and placed within a guarded tomb to rest in final peace. What would happen three days later still came as a shock to all His people, even though He had given notice of His return, previously. On that Easter Sunday, Jesus was resurrected from His death and walked out of that tomb with a smirk of glorious defeat against death!
    Again, I do not do any justice to Pastor Steve giving this explanation in his own words but don't laugh at my attempt of explaining in my own words. What I am trying to say is, Easter is about Jesus' resurrection. The vigorous pain He faced three days prior (Good Friday) and the slap in the face He personally gave to Death to come back to us. Jesus paid the ultimate price of crucifixion for our adulteries, our lies, our lusts, our theft, and our greed. Show His crucifixion was not in vain and that He still lives watching each and everyone of us to do our very best of walking in His footsteps. 


March 24, 2013 Palm Sunday and Night of Worship

    The week of Palm Sunday was an absolute ground breaking week and not only for Discovery Church but for Prescott College. This memorable time began with Pastor Steve concluding his series "It's All in the Salsa" with Part 3 explaining the meaning of Palm Sunday. A piece of Pastor Steve's service I really gripped on too was, how we, as today's generation of Christians, DO church.
    My meaning is just this... out with the old and in with the new. Prescott is filled with some of America's most beautiful trails and landscapes that God intentionally created for our pleasure and enjoyment, so why, as children of God, are we not doing just that? Especially during time of worship, such as church, are we not out in God's wonderment by viewing the nature He has designed? We praise and worship out in God's beauty and sometimes in florescent lit rooms.
    With this exact mission statement in mind, Discovery Church had it's first communion ever, right outside of it's double wooden doors, after the Palm Sunday service, in the courtyard at Prescott College. I repeat... Discovery Church held communion in the courtyard of Prescott College. I am not definite, but about 99.9% sure, this has been the ONLY communion EVER held at our beloved "tree hugging" college. How incredible is He? We all lined up with leisure to take a hunk of bread and a cup of wine (grape juice) and gathered round as The Church. Pastor Steve led us all in a moving prayer, we raised our glasses and we partook in our first communion.

    In the beginning I said this week was incredible for, not only Discovery Church but, Prescott College as well and I mean that. Prescott College experienced it's first communion and also hosted it's first Night of Worship on March 27th at the campus chapel. On that Wednesday night, the town of Prescott was asked to join in worship and prayer together at 6:30 p.m. We arrived with some weary expectations of our turn out and how our set may be put together but kept the faith that God provides for all His children. We set the chairs and cushions (thank you P.C) and welcomed everyone with an opening prayer. Jason Dyer and James Dufour took the stage and led the night with heart warming sounds of worship. I can't begin to tell you all how moving this night was for each one of us. Pastor Steve stepped in with a short intermission and began to tell us how The Bible describes worship. 
    Worship is done by any means of spiritual enjoyment;  singing, playing instruments, any movements from raising your hands in the air to dancing with the rhythm of the music. Worship has no rules or guidelines of instructions. Worship is however you love to praise God and let The Holy Spirit speak and love you. 

Monday, March 18, 2013

March 3rd & 10th "It's All in the Salsa"

    "Awww..." Do you recognize that sound? That my dear readers is a sigh of sweet relief. In any situation this sound represents the relief of exhaustion. Today I found myself making this sound more than ever, as I stepped on to our new campus at Prescott College.
     The PC Crossroads has welcomed us with open arms and boy did we come in with a full bear hug at the sight from our first service on March 10th. With over 75 people attending this service, the Discovery Leadership Team couldn't help but bubble about the campus with excitement. The team of Ushers lead by salsa making master, Kirk Sawer, sprung into action with directional signs, church bulletins, and collection envelopes at each corner. The welcome tent set up without a hitch, perfectly stocked with information pamphlets, waterproof bibles, and, of course, piping hot Starbucks coffee to get our joints oiled. With each Discovery attendee buzzing around the campus in their best 'Sunday Service' get up, PC never looked so good.

    The morning grew closer to take part in worship and take our seats to soak in Pastor Steve's sermon. Pastor Steve never seizes to amaze me with his direct knowledge of the truth and his approach of preaching it. These next few services will be part of his series called, "It's All in the Salsa" which he opened with telling the meaning of salsa, other than it being a delicious Mexican food component. Now, we all know Pastor Steve LOVES salsa, but he compared what God had in mind for his church to salsa. A blend of taste savvy ingredients to create a mouth watering, delectable dip. And that is what God's church is suppose to be...a blend of interesting, no, beautifully unique individuals to create a place of love and worship to Him. Alone we can pray, we can connect with God, we can dive into everyday devotionals with Him, but with a surplus of people we become the body for Christ. We are able to create a welcoming home of worship and praise that keeps adding more and more ingredients to spicen the flavor or liven the color, resulting in the the most divine dipping experience a church has ever become.

    Now, am I talking about salsa or Discovery Church? Both. On the 10th we had 15 people come to Christ and his past Sunday we had a salsa bar after service in the court yard to fellowship with one another and experience the cooking secrets of Kirk Sawer, so you tell me... is it, really, all  in the salsa?

Thursday, March 7, 2013

March 3, 2013 "The Break Down"

    I know this blog is meant for a recap on Sunday services or a summary of past events that happened through the week but I feel the need to write about this upcoming service on March 10 at our new HOME location at the Crossroads on Prescott College Campus. Does anyone else here see the beautiful irony in a Christian Church finding a shelter on a "tree hugging", liberal campus? I do.
    Even when I speak of our new location to invite my friends and acquaintances, they stop me in mid sentence to remind me the directions I gave them will lead them to the Prescott College campus. I can't help but chuckle at the realization. How did God bring us this amazing opportunity to allow these PC kids to open their doors to us? When people say that The Lord has a sense of humor, I believe He does and is waiting to see how we will handle it.

    Our March 3rd service was our last "practice run" at our new location to get all the bugs out and explain the flow of our Sunday services from now on. The first thing we all noticed when walking through those doors was the carpet. You could actually see it and without any debris or crumbs! Remarkable. PC had a student team come to the auditorium that early morning to clean and set up everything for us to use. They graciously left the auditorium in a welcoming condition and showed us their warm hearts just by the vacuumed carpet. The outside was ready for our welcome tent to be set up and the upstairs classrooms clean and tidy for our nursery and Discovery Kids program. Pastor Steve and Brenda were so blown away, their eyes glistened with tears of joy.
    This is it church. God has established us in this exquisite location for a reason. Your reason may be different then mine or what Pastor Steve may believe, but what ever the reason is, do everything in your power to act upon it. This is our home where we will become rooted and blossom. We will grow to great lengths as a family and a body in Christ. Let's spread this joy for all to hear and bare such delicious, truthful fruit not a soul will be able to listen without salivating for God's word.
    Now go and continue to spread God's joy and our upcoming kick off service on March 10! I know the excitement is spreading and the anticipation is overwhelming, but embrace this happiness and let it show from you for all to see.

Ephesians 2:21-22 ESV / 

In whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.


Monday, February 25, 2013

Feb. 24, 2013 " Without God in Your Life, Life Does Not Work"

    This past Sunday service was unlike any other. Why, you may ask? This service was completely different because it just so happens to be the very last service Discovery Church will ever have at the Willow Creek location. "Can I hear a Good Amen?" as said by Pastor Steve. Therefore concluding the end of a staggering era.
    The topic of Pastor Steve's sermon was, what has the church or God been saying the past 30 years that this church has been around? What words have actually stuck with you instead of flowing in one ear and right out through the other?
    Yes, Pastor, tackled the subjects of loving one another through whatever trials, silencing the gossips and rumors today's society may judge us with, and never doubting God when things don't go our way. But the one phrase that really implemented itself in not only my heart, but deep, deep down in my brain

"Without God in your life, life does not work"   

    Now, I know some of you readers are nodding in agreement with this statement, but do you really know what it means? I mean truly? Not just the everyday routine of praying before your morning cup of joe or having your daily devotional time when you get home from a busy day at work, but I mean in every little detail of life! From the short talks you have with the teller at your bank or the around-the-table stories your wife and kids tell when you all sit together for dinner. To the confusion of doing your own taxes at home or the rise and fall of the stock market. God is everywhere and in everything. He is in your heart to fill you with the endless love you have promised to share to others. He is in each word you use to spread the joy of truth to each person you come in contact with. He is in each movement you use to move through out your day and lead by example of a saved life. God is in your finances, in your work out routines, in your hobbies, in your music and video games! God is on your hiking trips, your family vacations, at your place of work, and in each of your relationships. Even when it seems like God isn't present in those times of confusion or chaos, man, that's where God is most noticeable. 
    But that is how it works. God has designed us to desire Him. How a toy car needs a battery for it's remote control to work. We, as human beings, can not even function without Him. We weren't created to run on our batteries or our own energy because we will fall short every time. God is our endless supply of strength and rejuvenation that will keep us running till the end of time and then some. I never saw this statement in the perspective Pastor Steve put it. God designed us to specifically to run off His spirit. He is our Energizer Bunny.
    I hope I didn't run off topic too much or rant without explanation, but I did want to share a little food for thought I learned a couple years back. Some of you may be familiar with Louie Giglio. He is a  respected speaker and Pastor that travels to different churches and selected areas to preach. One of my favorites is when he speaks of the human body and it's intricacies such as our DNA, our fingerprints, the hair on each head, and so on and so forth. He brings up a major protein called Laminin which are proteins in the basal lamina (one of the layers of the basement membrane), a protein network foundation for most cells and organs. Without this protein our bodies could not function. This is what holds us together and allows our cells and organs to do their jobs, in lameness terms. Now, to my point, if you have not heard of this, you probably do not know what it looks like. These pictures are actual microscopic snap shots of Laminin. 
    Try telling me, any human being can continue without our God now.


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Valentine's Day Fellowship

    I must admit to something that some may say is pathetic or most will say is rebellious, but I have never had the pleasure of celebrating Valentine's Day with someone of the opposite sex, let a lone 9 of them. This past Thursday, Valentine's Day, I was brought on a trip to Sedona to meet the leadership team of Journey Church back in Missouri. Now, I know most of my readers already know whom I am speaking of, but this was my first introduction to this loving family and boy did I feel the love!
    We met at Grasshopper point with Steve Lummer and Jason Dyer sprinting from the car to embrace each member with a long over due reuniting. With this being my first time meeting the guys and Jamie Wray, a beat wasn't skipped to give me a proper introduction. I couldn't help but laugh as I watched all these adult men gab to each other like a group of boy crazy girls. As the talking became more relaxed we made our way down Grasshopper Point and found a nice, quaint spot to begin our devotion.
    Pastor Steve led with an introduction to our church logo and the representation it gives to outside eyes. This breakdown of our logo was taken from Pastor Steve's blog :


  The WIND - The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” John 3:8 (niv)
  The WATER - Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. 38 Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him.” John 7:37,38 (niv)
  The WOOD- “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. 2 He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. 3 You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. 4 Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. John 15:1-4 (niv)
                                                       The FIRE - Our God is a consuming fire. Hebrews 12:29
Wind – our commission, what God has called us to be as a people.
Water – our community of faith and how it is intended to flow.
Wood – our connection – How structure always submits to the Spirit..
Fire – our communion – Relevance to our culture and reverence for God are not optional.

    Now I must admit, during this devotional I was snapping shots of the crew for our website and this blog, so I caught bits and pieces of the discussion. Which is the reason why I linked this devotional to Pasto Steve's website. Anyway, as the speech progressed with each man sharing their own experiences out here in Arizona, we closed with a prayer and a group picture. I can't quite explain the true feelings each person felt while they were out here in the desert but something truly Godly happened. A new bond was not only created between these men but an old one was strengthened as they venture back home to Missouri.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Feb. 10, 2013 " Hospitality Mentality"

    On a beautiful Sunday morning such as this, you can't expect nothing less than excellent from Pastor Steve and his uplifting worship team. I find myself gazing around the room as a new song is introduced to the church. "Here and Now" begins and seems to define what our congregation is growing to be and today's service.

We want to be a shelter where the broken find their place
We want to be a refuge for the weak
We want to be a light for the world to see
We want to be a love that breaks the walls and fills the streets
    Although our church has many strengths and the heart of a mega church, we find ourselves lacking in one department; evangelism. At the weekend seminar down in Scottsdale at The Rock Church, we learned it was not  only a problem with our church but a common area that congregations seem to step over. Who would have thought that reaching out or simply speaking The Word to others would be such a problem to churches? Interesting, correct. But not anymore
    Today's service was about creating a church with a "Hospitality Mentality". With starting a new church one of our goals is to get people in these doors and open their ears and hearts to TRUTH. So here is a direct order from our Pastor, no, from Heaven above to break our walls of self consciousness and awkwardness to greet our visitors with open arms and warm, welcoming smiles. With our visitors coming to do the exact same thing as us what makes us different? So, break out of your comfort zone and say hello with hug next Sunday morning.
    Now, I know Sunday mornings seem so fun and lively with all the meet and greet, but it can't stop there. Being children of God we have but one obligation or commitment; to serve Him. With that being said, we must continue by word of mouth or example to spread His love and grace anywhere we go. Whether it be shopping in a grocery store or having lunch with that one friend who just won't wake up before noon to attend church. We must never stop praising Him in everything we do. 
    So, Discovery, see this "Hospitality Mentality" as just one simple building block on our journey to rebuilding our beautiful church.