Monday, August 12, 2013

August 11, 2013 "Full of It"

    In today's world the phrase "full of it", may come to our ears as a derogatory term. Such as, "he/ she is full of it", meaning he or she is full of non-sense. According to Pastor Steve, if Jesus were to be called full of it, He would have taken it so as a compliment. You know what? That is exactly what Pastor Steve did this Sunday morning. 
    Let me clarify before you slam your computer shut and boycott Discovery Church because Pastor Steve never called the things Jesus was full of, as non-sense. In fact, he went the opposite direction and spoke of Jesus being full of 100% Truth and 100% Grace. That doesn't sound like non-sense to me. Back in the time of Jesus there were many "holy" men walking around with their heads held high because they were either filled with the knowledge of truth or the slight humbleness of grace. Stay with me here, because I know what you are thinking is, why these things seem so bad when we are all striving to better ourselves just as such. Pastor Steve showed us that with out the knowledge of truth what is grace? Grace is but a false appearance of purity and innocence. But without grace what is truth? Truth is a hard, forced honesty that tends to belittle our brothers and sister and frighten them of God. John 8:7

    Jesus was a 100% both of these things making Him balanced and the true Son of God. Matthew 6 details the scene of Jesus among the Pharisees and a woman who has committed adultery suddenly dragged into the room. The men among Jesus tested Him to obey the law of Moses and stone her to death for committing such a crime. In response, Jesus said "Let anyone of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone-". Little by little the men left just leaving the woman and Jesus alone. This my dear friends, is a 100% Truth and 100% Grace. Jesus agreed this woman had committed a terrible sin but whom in that room that had not committed any sin could pick of a boulder and throw it at her if so be.
    Jesus stayed balanced even when being judged and turned away among all the sinners around Him. The sinners telling Him, He was wrong and a false prophet. He stayed true and kept teaching and softening their hearts to show them His truth and grace. So as we walk our path and embark on the wonderful journey God has planned for us, remember to stay balanced with the knowledge of truth and staying humble with grace. 

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