Thursday, February 14, 2013

Feb. 10, 2013 " Hospitality Mentality"

    On a beautiful Sunday morning such as this, you can't expect nothing less than excellent from Pastor Steve and his uplifting worship team. I find myself gazing around the room as a new song is introduced to the church. "Here and Now" begins and seems to define what our congregation is growing to be and today's service.

We want to be a shelter where the broken find their place
We want to be a refuge for the weak
We want to be a light for the world to see
We want to be a love that breaks the walls and fills the streets
    Although our church has many strengths and the heart of a mega church, we find ourselves lacking in one department; evangelism. At the weekend seminar down in Scottsdale at The Rock Church, we learned it was not  only a problem with our church but a common area that congregations seem to step over. Who would have thought that reaching out or simply speaking The Word to others would be such a problem to churches? Interesting, correct. But not anymore
    Today's service was about creating a church with a "Hospitality Mentality". With starting a new church one of our goals is to get people in these doors and open their ears and hearts to TRUTH. So here is a direct order from our Pastor, no, from Heaven above to break our walls of self consciousness and awkwardness to greet our visitors with open arms and warm, welcoming smiles. With our visitors coming to do the exact same thing as us what makes us different? So, break out of your comfort zone and say hello with hug next Sunday morning.
    Now, I know Sunday mornings seem so fun and lively with all the meet and greet, but it can't stop there. Being children of God we have but one obligation or commitment; to serve Him. With that being said, we must continue by word of mouth or example to spread His love and grace anywhere we go. Whether it be shopping in a grocery store or having lunch with that one friend who just won't wake up before noon to attend church. We must never stop praising Him in everything we do. 
    So, Discovery, see this "Hospitality Mentality" as just one simple building block on our journey to rebuilding our beautiful church.

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