Tuesday, July 2, 2013

June 30th, 2013 "Wind"

    People will always to live by faith and follow God's direction. What does that really mean? And how do we do this? Pastor Steve introduced one of Discovery's elements', wind. In the churches sense, wind represents God's spirit. Just like wind, God's spirit is unpredictable, unseen, but always felt around you. 
    Many people around us, including ourselves, have a hard time feeling God's presence or comprehending the direction He wants us to go. But still it is unmistakable that He is with us and guiding us. This blinded guidance if faith. It's our reassurance that He is watching us and protecting us even if we don't see Him. This then loops around to wind...do you follow? To put into smaller terms, faith is following God without knowledge or logic but believing God would never put you in harms way but guide you on the path you were meant to be on. How we know we doing God's will, is by His wind. We feel His wind all around us everyday. His wind, or The Spirit, is unstoppable no matter the obstacles or situations you find yourself in. 
    So this is what you have to do to feel God's wind. Set your sails to His spirit and let God take them and direct you. Go where He wants you to go for His spirit is supernatural. He doesn't show Himself to harm or mislead. He is purely here to comfort, council and direct you in your life. So let go of your sails as the storm rages on and let God's wind fill them to lead you. 

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