Wednesday, April 3, 2013

March 31, 2013 Easter Sunday "The Day of Resurrection"

    This past Sunday was Easter. An odd time for all considering, Easter just happened to land on the last day of March, so of course, that through off every person nation wide. Then another reason it may be an odd time for some - the purpose of celebrating Easter. Is it truly because of the 7 foot giant in the white bunny suit hiding the candy filled eggs around the backyard or is it the barbecues and  family gatherings we happen to enjoy? Neither. The true meaning of Easter was carefully explained to me, by Pastor Steve, this past Sunday as "The Day of Resurrection."
   Now I am not essentially going to go step by step and recite the Pastor's sermon, although flattered, I would do him  no justice nor was I taking notes that day. I blame Pastor for giving such a moving service and distracting me completely. Anyway, Sunday I left the crossroads with the word resurrection embedded in my head and decided to research this word as in depth as possible. Webster's Dictionary and say;

1. The act of rising from the dead    
2. The rising of Christ after His death and Burial
    God had sent His only son to live the life as one of us, then sacrificing himself with the ultimate punishment of hours upon hours of constant, agonizing torture and pain to be later nailed upon the cross. With Jesus struggling to hold His body weight and inhale His last breath, He relaxed to death and fell limp upon sundown. As many watched this tragic scene, He was then gently removed from His wooden throne and placed within a guarded tomb to rest in final peace. What would happen three days later still came as a shock to all His people, even though He had given notice of His return, previously. On that Easter Sunday, Jesus was resurrected from His death and walked out of that tomb with a smirk of glorious defeat against death!
    Again, I do not do any justice to Pastor Steve giving this explanation in his own words but don't laugh at my attempt of explaining in my own words. What I am trying to say is, Easter is about Jesus' resurrection. The vigorous pain He faced three days prior (Good Friday) and the slap in the face He personally gave to Death to come back to us. Jesus paid the ultimate price of crucifixion for our adulteries, our lies, our lusts, our theft, and our greed. Show His crucifixion was not in vain and that He still lives watching each and everyone of us to do our very best of walking in His footsteps. 


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