Sunday, May 19, 2013

May 12th "Water Baptism"

    Mother's Day (May 12th) was an extraordinary time for all. Discovery Church met at Goldwater Lake to not just have service but to have our first Water Baptism. So, in a sense, it wasn't just a day in honor of mother's all around, but a rebirthing and cleansing to our Father. Josette along with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mora dedicated themselves to be baptized by Jason Dyer and Pastor Steve with all their friends and family gathered at the shore to cheer them on as they took the plunge. With smiles all around, watching each one carefully tred into the hands of the Pastors, the crowd roared with howls and cheers. One by one they were carefully dunked and lifted to the service to leave the old behind and become a saved child of God. 
    I don't have much more to say on this event because of how emotional I can become. I just want to give my congratulations to Josette and the Mora Family. I have only known you for a short amount of time and have fallen in love with you as a friend and family member. Also, coach to you Jerry. But I can't thank you enough for allowing myself to witness such a rebirthing experience. I love you all and wish you hope and grace on your path with Christ.

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