Tuesday, July 30, 2013

July 28th, 2013 "Events Calendar"

    Well, with the past couple weeks being so event-filled, I thought it was time to give some credit to our leaders here at Discovery Church. Pastor Steve and his love for the wilderness came up with the idea for an outdoor adventure to Lockett Meadows in Flagstaff, AZ. 

    Leaving for Lockett Meadows midday Friday, I was unsure where we were even going but just followed the obscure directions given by our beloved Pastor. A few hours later and 20 minute drive up a slender, cliff side path we arrived in open paradise called Lockett Meadows. Sing it Dixie Chicks with "Wide Open Spaces" and beautiful hiking paths that lead into the heart of San Francisco Peaks. This incredible area is definitely a hidden gem and created a bonding experience for all of us. 
    Now, reader, try to keep up because this tour is moving quickly. Onto our next event which was our Night of Worship Under the Stars performed by our own Worship Pastor Jason Dyer and his team, Matt and Maureen Simpson. I am not sure about anyone else but this night opened my heart to see that Discovery Church has built a community
    With our church occupying a small ramada out at Watson Lake, people flocked from all around with yummy potluck dishes and games of all kinds to the park. The kids were running around in the green grass as the adults gathered to socialize around the music. I walked to the top ramada to overlook the lake and the park to see this amazing community come together and rejoice in God's love. This is the picture I came up with. We are a family. How amazing is that? 
    Now, I know my events are out of order but I believe in saving the best for last. I believe the best is Pastor Steve's balloon fight against the Discovery Kids. Let's just say Steve definitely didn't know what he was getting in to. Kate Pressman, was telling me in Kid's Church that day, the kid's didn't even focus on the lesson but were listening to "Eye of the Tiger" as they applied war paint and built paper plate shields. She knew Steve was in over his head when they began calling her Chief and Captain and asked her to lead them into battle. She accepted the task and devised a plan to split the army into 2 sectors of sneak attacks. As Pastor Steve walked out into the court yard with a smile on his face he left with an ear full of water. Balloons hailed from all around as tribal chants and war cries hollered from the bushes. Finally, the battle was over and the warriors came to pray over Pastors wounds and bewildered pride. 
The battle may be over, but the war continues on...

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

July 16th, 2013 "Tracie Sewell"

    Thank you Tracie for this motivating post. I couldn't have said it better myself. In the words of Pastor Steve ... "BOOM".

Hi Everyone! I'm going to step on my stool for a moment (so you can see me ha ha) and tell you a little bit about me...I have my reasons...stay tuned.
When I was growing up I attended "church" every Sunday with my family. It was a fantastic "church" where we had old fashioned hymn sings, potlucks, vacation Bible School, lots of gatherings that were just plain fun times with lots of memory building.
Then, as I grew into an adult I fell into "churches" that were not satisfying to me. They had too much "drama" between congregation members, too much "dictated" expectations from the preacher, and simply did not have the feeling that I had experienced and desired from my childhood.
It has taken 39 years, yes thirthy-nine years to find a "church" that is bringing back my childhood "church" memories. It is a young church; only a few months old. It is a small congregation that is building upon values and core beliefs that I can definitely support. It is a place that I want to be. It has a congregation that I want to get to know. It has a pastor that I totally and completely enjoy listening to his messages, his relation to life in general, his "realness". He does not place himself "above" me (as others have before him in my experiences), but rather puts himself beside me. He relates to what we as the human race go through on a day-to-day basis...and I love it!
I must explain why I put "church" in quotes. You see to me, the word "church" carries negative conotations with it because of my adult experiences. I don't really care for the word. I refer to it as "discovery". Not because that happens to be the name of the "church" that I am currently attending after 19 years of not attending any place of worship; but because that is the process in which I am personally going through. I am "discovering" who I am; what I want; where my place is in life; and who I want to be. I can do all of this at Discovery "Church", because they allow me to be who I am. I'm not pressured to be someone that I am not. I am respected as me. I am supported as me.
I think about this when I'm out riding. You see I believe, as does Discovery "Church", that God is everywhere. He doesn't sit in the "church" waiting for you to show up. Nope! He's everywhere that you are.
So, you may be asking yourself: Then, why should I attend a "church"? Good question! The only way that I can answer this is from my personal experience, not a "textbook" answer that a lot of "churches" would have you answer. My answer is: Because I can make more friends there. I can surround myself with good people. I can have more positive influences in my life that help me be a better person. You see, I choose to surround myself with the best of the best, so that I can be my best. And I have found this at Discovery.
I have rambled on and on and on....but it is something that I have wanted to share with my FB family. Just one more thing before I close.
I would like to invite you to watch the video below, perhaps visit Discovery's website:http://www.discoveryprescott.com/ and / or the facebook page:https://www.facebook.com/pages/Discovery-Church/311679372178324
And, I would like you to join us some Sunday. We would love to have you. If you're feeling a little timid of showing up at a new place, I'll meet you outside and you can sit with me. Whatever will you help you check us out, because you never know, this might be what you've been looking for.
Discovery is located on the Prescott College campus...I know, a little weird, but a great fit! Come check it out!
Thanks for reading, and have a great day! If you have questions, feel free to message me! 
Invite Someone
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Monday, July 8, 2013

July 7th, 2013 "Community"

    July 7th was by far the most moving service I have yet to experience in Discovery Church. Not only was the story of our guest speaker, Kent Keegan, but Arizona had just experienced an unexpected tragedy. Our small town of Preskitt tragically lost 19 of our 20 Hot Shot Firefighters to the Yarnell Hill Wildfire. They were all part of our small town family and reached each of hearts in some way or another. I am not going to go on about these brave men in great detail, for I only knew a few of them but I am actually interested in telling my own story of what I have been experiencing these past couple of weeks by just observing.
    This town, my hometown, has made me so proud to be part of it's community. Everywhere I turn there is some recognition of the fallen 19 and a large 'thank you' near by. This community has come together to support the families and friends of our heroes and to pay respects by grieving with them. Our hearts are in pain in yet show strength in numbers to lean on one another. I have seen this by watching one of my own coworkers walk out to the street in the middle of the shift to pay her respects as the firetrucks filed through on Montezuma. This triggered a solemn response from each person in the cafe as we all took to the curb and stood along side her. Strangers comforting one another as overwhelming tears flowed from our eyes and our heads bowed. 
    This town, my hometown, has made me so proud to be called a Preskit-tonian. Even as the funeral procession came through Phoenix, Wickendburg, and worked it's way to Highway 89, I glanced at all the cars lining the streets to welcome our brethren home. There were over 200 Hells Angels and other biker chapters to pay respects. This town and community has drowned my heart with joy and hope that we have a future as a family. That no matter what trials this place is faced with, we will always stay connected and stand tall to help any of those who can't. 
    So I thank you Prescott for being the future. For showing this world we are to not be pushed around for we will triumph. The family will always hold together and lean on one another for support and love. I know this town is facing hard ships but we are there for the families who need it most. We love you and pray for each one of you. God bless.


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

June 30th, 2013 "Wind"

    People will always to live by faith and follow God's direction. What does that really mean? And how do we do this? Pastor Steve introduced one of Discovery's elements', wind. In the churches sense, wind represents God's spirit. Just like wind, God's spirit is unpredictable, unseen, but always felt around you. 
    Many people around us, including ourselves, have a hard time feeling God's presence or comprehending the direction He wants us to go. But still it is unmistakable that He is with us and guiding us. This blinded guidance if faith. It's our reassurance that He is watching us and protecting us even if we don't see Him. This then loops around to wind...do you follow? To put into smaller terms, faith is following God without knowledge or logic but believing God would never put you in harms way but guide you on the path you were meant to be on. How we know we doing God's will, is by His wind. We feel His wind all around us everyday. His wind, or The Spirit, is unstoppable no matter the obstacles or situations you find yourself in. 
    So this is what you have to do to feel God's wind. Set your sails to His spirit and let God take them and direct you. Go where He wants you to go for His spirit is supernatural. He doesn't show Himself to harm or mislead. He is purely here to comfort, council and direct you in your life. So let go of your sails as the storm rages on and let God's wind fill them to lead you.