Friday, May 31, 2013

May 31, 2013 "What is Your Story to Tell?"

    Some of you may know, May 26th 2013, I had the privilege of being baptized with Pastor Steve. At my baptism, Steve had asked me to possibly say a small testimony before I was emerged and instead I simply bypassed his request and gave thanks to everyone for being there and God for guiding me in this direction. Since then, Steve and Brenda have been asking questions about my past and even "put me on the spot", if you will, at our last night of worship. Pastor Steve stared at me as we all gathered around the stage with tears already filling his eyes and simply said "Cristina, I hate to pick on you, (doubtful), but I believe there is something building in you that is ready to explode and come out! God is working on you and something in you that is just going to erupt, man, just out there. Do you have anything to say or have any idea what it could be?". At this time I was already hyperventilating with joyous streams of water running down my cheeks and simply said, "Not just yet but I think so too."
    Now, we all know Pastor Steve loves celebrating in the light of God and in his way it's by putting that light on you. He has such a comforting way of directing the attention to you, you don't even realize all the eyes and ears in the room are focused on you. This wasn't the case that night. I walked away from the chapel in deep thought of how little any of my readers or the family I have created through God and the church, really knew about me. Specifically, my story that led me to God. This is the direction I am going with this entry. I will take my first big leap and write out my nitty gritty story that God has given to me as my testimony. 
    With that said, I am giving any of you fellow readers and children of Christ to write to me and tell me your own stories. Be my guest and write as little or as much as you want and I will be more than gracious to post it on our blog. If you would like to be discreet and kept as yours to tell, I will honor your wishes and thank you for letting me in to that part of your life. or

I hope to hear from some of you and wish you a great week. God bless!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

May 12th "Water Baptism"

    Mother's Day (May 12th) was an extraordinary time for all. Discovery Church met at Goldwater Lake to not just have service but to have our first Water Baptism. So, in a sense, it wasn't just a day in honor of mother's all around, but a rebirthing and cleansing to our Father. Josette along with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mora dedicated themselves to be baptized by Jason Dyer and Pastor Steve with all their friends and family gathered at the shore to cheer them on as they took the plunge. With smiles all around, watching each one carefully tred into the hands of the Pastors, the crowd roared with howls and cheers. One by one they were carefully dunked and lifted to the service to leave the old behind and become a saved child of God. 
    I don't have much more to say on this event because of how emotional I can become. I just want to give my congratulations to Josette and the Mora Family. I have only known you for a short amount of time and have fallen in love with you as a friend and family member. Also, coach to you Jerry. But I can't thank you enough for allowing myself to witness such a rebirthing experience. I love you all and wish you hope and grace on your path with Christ.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

April 28, 2013 "Demolition"

    To end our adventurous month of April, Discovery Church welcomed a guest speaker to lead the sermon, by the name of Matt Simpson. This was a real treat hearing Matt preach along with his beautiful wife, Maureen, sitting in the front row. What I took from Matt this past Sunday was the subject of greed and selfishness.
    Now greed comes in many forms, as Matt explained, such as saving or hoarding items, money, talents, information, etc. We keep things to our self that should be shared with the world and others or at the start, are not even worth saving to begin with. We focus so much time and strain on our jobs or try to conjure up these "get rich quick" schemes to try and make just a little bit more of that green stuff. Before you or I know it, our stress levels are high, the happiness and joy we use to live by, is forced out by the object of money and the things we can buy with it.
    I am not so sure about you, reader, but Matt gave me a wake up call to what we, as God's Children, are doing here on Earth. For one, this is not our home. Our time here is limited and therefore should be invested in saving souls and showing the heart of God. The material items we gather here will not determine who is accepted into Heaven nor is God lining us up with a clipboard in His hand and looking at how much we make each year. Money should not be an idol but serve as a tool to help us live our every day lives. Our money shouldn't be hoarded in junk but used to help one another each day or help our own souls by doing the things we love with our friends and family.
    I have seen my generation of young adults and I must say I am disappointed of the stress and worry that is put on us to "make money", when the concern back in the day, use to be education first then money will fall into play. The thought of "giving" has to have a legitimate reason, such as a natural disaster or an orphan child with no food or water instead of just the natural desire to care for someone other than ourselves. My favorite is the joke of giving a dollar to a homeless woman on the side of the road and asking for a tax credit receipt with it. This generation chooses to give with something in return. 
    I know this entry seems a bit dark or may cause some strong opinions but let me flip this around. I am not saying to throw your money around to the first person who walks up to you, but just give it a second thought. If someone is hungry, bring them a meal. Someone needs clothing, don't shame away from giving them the shirt off your back. Let's not let selfishness and greed consume our lives of walking in the shoes of Jesus. Follow his footsteps by giving and showing your caring heart, maybe to ones who can't or don't know how. Show them.