Monday, April 15, 2013

April 14, 2013 " Make the Moment"

    Pastor Steve has been preaching on a series called "Making the Moment". It is an idea spawned from the show Making the Moment, hosted by our very own Kurt Warner, to reach out into some one's life who has given up on their dreams and give them a second shot. In this specific series, Pastor, is trying to reach out into our own congregation and see what we can build together for our community to give back. Whether it be our own food pantry to hand out to the families in need. It may be to bring in the youngsters from having nothing to do on the weekends and take them out for nature hikes and explorations. Whatever your passion is, whatever your interests are, or where your heart is calling you to be, talk to us and let us know so we can build something to make the moment for that someone in need.

April 7, 2013 "What is in Your Brown Bag"

    I have a theory that Pastor Steve has conversations with God that tell him which subjects to preach on each Sunday because we will all have to put what we have learned from his sermon, to the test. Maybe he puts a paper and pencil out on his desk over night and comes back to it in the morning to see a message to preach on.
    Well, I admit the second assumption is a bit far fetched, but Jesus performed imaginable miracles, so who am I to say it couldn't happen? While I am on the subject of miracles, I would like to talk about the miracles God has given each one of us to perform in the form of specific gifts. These gifts probably aren't going to be wrapped with a bow on top but they may be specific talents, interests, or passions He has built into you so you are able to spread His love with them.
    This past Sunday, Pastor Steve really spoke to my heart and uplifted me by saying, that each one of us was built for a purpose and a specific way to fulfill our purpose. Some it may be singing or playing an instrument to lead worship. Some it is simply people -  being around people in our community and joining in projects to better our community. Or with Jesus Himself being a carpenter - some are blessed with tools and building what is said could never be built. These plus many more are God given gifts to spread His love and worship Him. And this past Sunday, Pastor Steve made each one of us take about five minutes to write down what talents or gifts God has spoken to us to do.
    The brown paper bag that was handed to me stayed blank for the first couple minutes until I was really able to pray about what an "average Joe" like myself, had as a gift to serve God. No really, that was the exact question that went through my brain, "I am nothing special God, what gift have you given for me to use?". No sooner had I thought it, my prayer was answered. I took my pen and began to write many gifts and passions that God specifically picked out for me to use. They were things I considered, maybe, hobbies or just some phases that I never grew out of but actually, grew to love and become an importance in my life.
    I have continued praying on these things on how I can be part of something greater than myself and still use my gifts to help others. So I am slowly filling my paper bag with gifts from here, interests there, or passions from every which angle.....but have you really thought or prayed about your gifts? Your talents that God created you with to share among others?

What is in your brown paper bag?

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

March 31, 2013 Easter Sunday "The Day of Resurrection"

    This past Sunday was Easter. An odd time for all considering, Easter just happened to land on the last day of March, so of course, that through off every person nation wide. Then another reason it may be an odd time for some - the purpose of celebrating Easter. Is it truly because of the 7 foot giant in the white bunny suit hiding the candy filled eggs around the backyard or is it the barbecues and  family gatherings we happen to enjoy? Neither. The true meaning of Easter was carefully explained to me, by Pastor Steve, this past Sunday as "The Day of Resurrection."
   Now I am not essentially going to go step by step and recite the Pastor's sermon, although flattered, I would do him  no justice nor was I taking notes that day. I blame Pastor for giving such a moving service and distracting me completely. Anyway, Sunday I left the crossroads with the word resurrection embedded in my head and decided to research this word as in depth as possible. Webster's Dictionary and say;

1. The act of rising from the dead    
2. The rising of Christ after His death and Burial
    God had sent His only son to live the life as one of us, then sacrificing himself with the ultimate punishment of hours upon hours of constant, agonizing torture and pain to be later nailed upon the cross. With Jesus struggling to hold His body weight and inhale His last breath, He relaxed to death and fell limp upon sundown. As many watched this tragic scene, He was then gently removed from His wooden throne and placed within a guarded tomb to rest in final peace. What would happen three days later still came as a shock to all His people, even though He had given notice of His return, previously. On that Easter Sunday, Jesus was resurrected from His death and walked out of that tomb with a smirk of glorious defeat against death!
    Again, I do not do any justice to Pastor Steve giving this explanation in his own words but don't laugh at my attempt of explaining in my own words. What I am trying to say is, Easter is about Jesus' resurrection. The vigorous pain He faced three days prior (Good Friday) and the slap in the face He personally gave to Death to come back to us. Jesus paid the ultimate price of crucifixion for our adulteries, our lies, our lusts, our theft, and our greed. Show His crucifixion was not in vain and that He still lives watching each and everyone of us to do our very best of walking in His footsteps. 


March 24, 2013 Palm Sunday and Night of Worship

    The week of Palm Sunday was an absolute ground breaking week and not only for Discovery Church but for Prescott College. This memorable time began with Pastor Steve concluding his series "It's All in the Salsa" with Part 3 explaining the meaning of Palm Sunday. A piece of Pastor Steve's service I really gripped on too was, how we, as today's generation of Christians, DO church.
    My meaning is just this... out with the old and in with the new. Prescott is filled with some of America's most beautiful trails and landscapes that God intentionally created for our pleasure and enjoyment, so why, as children of God, are we not doing just that? Especially during time of worship, such as church, are we not out in God's wonderment by viewing the nature He has designed? We praise and worship out in God's beauty and sometimes in florescent lit rooms.
    With this exact mission statement in mind, Discovery Church had it's first communion ever, right outside of it's double wooden doors, after the Palm Sunday service, in the courtyard at Prescott College. I repeat... Discovery Church held communion in the courtyard of Prescott College. I am not definite, but about 99.9% sure, this has been the ONLY communion EVER held at our beloved "tree hugging" college. How incredible is He? We all lined up with leisure to take a hunk of bread and a cup of wine (grape juice) and gathered round as The Church. Pastor Steve led us all in a moving prayer, we raised our glasses and we partook in our first communion.

    In the beginning I said this week was incredible for, not only Discovery Church but, Prescott College as well and I mean that. Prescott College experienced it's first communion and also hosted it's first Night of Worship on March 27th at the campus chapel. On that Wednesday night, the town of Prescott was asked to join in worship and prayer together at 6:30 p.m. We arrived with some weary expectations of our turn out and how our set may be put together but kept the faith that God provides for all His children. We set the chairs and cushions (thank you P.C) and welcomed everyone with an opening prayer. Jason Dyer and James Dufour took the stage and led the night with heart warming sounds of worship. I can't begin to tell you all how moving this night was for each one of us. Pastor Steve stepped in with a short intermission and began to tell us how The Bible describes worship. 
    Worship is done by any means of spiritual enjoyment;  singing, playing instruments, any movements from raising your hands in the air to dancing with the rhythm of the music. Worship has no rules or guidelines of instructions. Worship is however you love to praise God and let The Holy Spirit speak and love you.