Monday, March 18, 2013

March 3rd & 10th "It's All in the Salsa"

    "Awww..." Do you recognize that sound? That my dear readers is a sigh of sweet relief. In any situation this sound represents the relief of exhaustion. Today I found myself making this sound more than ever, as I stepped on to our new campus at Prescott College.
     The PC Crossroads has welcomed us with open arms and boy did we come in with a full bear hug at the sight from our first service on March 10th. With over 75 people attending this service, the Discovery Leadership Team couldn't help but bubble about the campus with excitement. The team of Ushers lead by salsa making master, Kirk Sawer, sprung into action with directional signs, church bulletins, and collection envelopes at each corner. The welcome tent set up without a hitch, perfectly stocked with information pamphlets, waterproof bibles, and, of course, piping hot Starbucks coffee to get our joints oiled. With each Discovery attendee buzzing around the campus in their best 'Sunday Service' get up, PC never looked so good.

    The morning grew closer to take part in worship and take our seats to soak in Pastor Steve's sermon. Pastor Steve never seizes to amaze me with his direct knowledge of the truth and his approach of preaching it. These next few services will be part of his series called, "It's All in the Salsa" which he opened with telling the meaning of salsa, other than it being a delicious Mexican food component. Now, we all know Pastor Steve LOVES salsa, but he compared what God had in mind for his church to salsa. A blend of taste savvy ingredients to create a mouth watering, delectable dip. And that is what God's church is suppose to be...a blend of interesting, no, beautifully unique individuals to create a place of love and worship to Him. Alone we can pray, we can connect with God, we can dive into everyday devotionals with Him, but with a surplus of people we become the body for Christ. We are able to create a welcoming home of worship and praise that keeps adding more and more ingredients to spicen the flavor or liven the color, resulting in the the most divine dipping experience a church has ever become.

    Now, am I talking about salsa or Discovery Church? Both. On the 10th we had 15 people come to Christ and his past Sunday we had a salsa bar after service in the court yard to fellowship with one another and experience the cooking secrets of Kirk Sawer, so you tell me... is it, really, all  in the salsa?

Thursday, March 7, 2013

March 3, 2013 "The Break Down"

    I know this blog is meant for a recap on Sunday services or a summary of past events that happened through the week but I feel the need to write about this upcoming service on March 10 at our new HOME location at the Crossroads on Prescott College Campus. Does anyone else here see the beautiful irony in a Christian Church finding a shelter on a "tree hugging", liberal campus? I do.
    Even when I speak of our new location to invite my friends and acquaintances, they stop me in mid sentence to remind me the directions I gave them will lead them to the Prescott College campus. I can't help but chuckle at the realization. How did God bring us this amazing opportunity to allow these PC kids to open their doors to us? When people say that The Lord has a sense of humor, I believe He does and is waiting to see how we will handle it.

    Our March 3rd service was our last "practice run" at our new location to get all the bugs out and explain the flow of our Sunday services from now on. The first thing we all noticed when walking through those doors was the carpet. You could actually see it and without any debris or crumbs! Remarkable. PC had a student team come to the auditorium that early morning to clean and set up everything for us to use. They graciously left the auditorium in a welcoming condition and showed us their warm hearts just by the vacuumed carpet. The outside was ready for our welcome tent to be set up and the upstairs classrooms clean and tidy for our nursery and Discovery Kids program. Pastor Steve and Brenda were so blown away, their eyes glistened with tears of joy.
    This is it church. God has established us in this exquisite location for a reason. Your reason may be different then mine or what Pastor Steve may believe, but what ever the reason is, do everything in your power to act upon it. This is our home where we will become rooted and blossom. We will grow to great lengths as a family and a body in Christ. Let's spread this joy for all to hear and bare such delicious, truthful fruit not a soul will be able to listen without salivating for God's word.
    Now go and continue to spread God's joy and our upcoming kick off service on March 10! I know the excitement is spreading and the anticipation is overwhelming, but embrace this happiness and let it show from you for all to see.

Ephesians 2:21-22 ESV / 

In whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.